Join Derrick Cobb, Drew Paroz, and Brian Nutwell on a journey to become better leaders by touring fantastic worlds and inspiring lore.  We believe that connecting leadership concepts to story contexts makes the lessons stick to our brains better.

Latest Episodes

The Dark Knight Rises Pt. 1: How To Climb Out of a Deep Pit

At points in each of our lives we have our own dark nights where we feel trapped in the proverbial pit without the ability to escape. In The Dark Knight Rises, each o...

The Hobbit Pt. 2: Does Building Up Belief Require Pain and Discomfort?

As much as we would all love to be Aragorn, Legolas, or Gandalf in LOTR, if we are being honest with ourselves, we are probably more like Bilbo. We love to find a com...

The Hobbit Pt. 1: How to Lead Like Gandalf

We all wish we could lead like Gandalf, but how could we ever become that magnanimous and how do we contribute to a better world when there aren't orcs and dragons to ...

Nightmare Before Christmas Pt. 2: How to Approach Change with Humility

Regardless of who you are, we at WonderTour believe that you are a leader. Whether you run your own business, lead a team of problem solvers, serve as mother or fathe...

Nightmare Before Christmas Pt. 1: How to Break Out of a Mundane Loop

Whether its a stagnant job or a repetitive personal life, we can find ourselves lacking joy and hope, trapped in a closed loop without meaningful disruptions. Like Ja...

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